The women of Eta Omicron Zeta Chapter are top tier when it comes to service. By working together, the Sorors were able to collect and donate over 775 pairs of socks during the winter season. Although this was Sister Circle “Team Pearl’s” Z-HOPE Donation Initiative, each sister circle pitched in to provide necessary essentials for those in need.
The 775+ pairs of socks were donated to three different organizations, sharing the love throughout our community. Manor Care Health Services in Mountainside, NJ received 184 pairs of socks for their outreach programming. The Elizabeth Coalition to House the Homeless, Elizabeth, NJ received 439 pairs of socks for their wide and diverse clientele. The SaraCare Adult Daycare Center in Mountainside, NJ received 165 pair. A total of 779 pairs were donated to our community.
The Eta Omicron Zeta chapter is full of Finer Women doing finer work in their community.
~Doris Nicholson